The Feather Jersey Print dress, A234414, also comes in a color called……………………….HABISCUS………………………..there are reds, hot pinks, greens and purples splashed through out. My BRASS and COLOR BEAD necklaces are featured above and work perfectly with the dress…..not overpowering it, but not being overpowered by the print either. The SHRUG, A234415, is also avail in the HABISCUS color. The HOT PINK WHISPER KNIT CARDIGAN or KIMONO sweaters also look wonderful over the dress, for a terrific alternative to the shrug. Needless to say, these are the perfect travel pieces…….easy to pack and easy to wash…..and no wrinkles……………

……………scroll down for one more color……………enjoy……………..much Love…………..Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Irma

    I was wondering if the red crepe blazer would go with this very happy looking dress. I hope so… I am looking for an excuse to buy it.:)

  2. Barbara in Virginia

    I usually don’t wear red, my favorite color, in the summer as it makes me feel hot just looking at it. But there is something very fresh about this hibiscus colorway. Like you, I love historic textiles and the stories behind them. This was a period of great change in Russia and I would love to hear more about the origins of this print!

  3. Cathy in PA

    This is such a HAPPY dress; love the colors … that little bit of green and periwinkle is like little fireworks sparkles highlighting the reds and pinks … a true summer garden!

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