……………………”CHERISH”…………..a word you hardly hear anymore.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Cindy

    Hi Louis!

    Always love reading your blog, and the variety of items that you post. From the clothing vignettes, to the quotes and personal stories, I love all of it, and appreciate the time and effort that you put into everything.
    I’m going to take the Anne Franke quote and frame it for my classroom (I teach 6th and 8th graders). Such an important thought and relevant to all ages. Thank-you!!


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      6th and 8th graders….WOW…..everything in their lives is changing……an exciting, and confusing time…….and their banning Anne Frank’s book…..what imbecilic people!

      1. Cindy

        You are absolutely right about middle school being a confusing time! However, I’m fortunate to have very nice students (a few squirrely ones here and there), and I’m lucky to live in an area that would not ban her book.

  2. sunbluesea

    Louis…..thank you for todays “quotable quotes”. These encouraging and positive words are heartfelt rays of sunshine!⛈🌤🌞

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