………………………It disturbs me when I see so many children attached to their phones and tablets, and whatever devises they are using now!!!! What happened to PLAY….to SINGING….to DRAWING…..to socializing…to expressing themselves freely….to DREAMING…..to playing MAKE BELIEVE!……It is so different from the way I grew up, and IMHO it is not a better way….. I recently heard a parent say referring to their children’s devises as “built in babysitters”…..SHAME ON THEM! I blame parents who won’t take the time to expose their children to the arts, to what there is out there in the world to enjoy and investigate instead of living such insular lives attached to machines.!

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Angela

    As a preschool teacher, I do have any anything “wired” in my classroom. Instead my room is full of imaginative and creative toys and learning tools that stimulate and foster the creativity in my students. The things my students create with blocks and other manipulatives is simply amazing!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      That sounds great Angela. I hope when they get home their parents are as creative with them.

  2. Mary

    How true! I think the lack of early play, socialization, and development of creativity in children and early expression as well as exposure to the arts is not only is detrimental to a child’s growth and development but it is also detrimental to society as a whole. Unfortunately, I think we are already seeing some of the consequences of the lack of appreciation of the beauty and value of the arts and what they give us.

    Louis, I also want to thank you for your artful creativity and the beautiful creations you have given us. I shop my closet with joy and receive so many, many complements on your clothes— they bring a smile to my face wearing them and to many others when they see them. You are appreciated!!

  3. Marie

    So very true. There are so many disturbing consequences to plugging kids into technology.

  4. Sallie

    Louis, I heartily agree in all that you stated!

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