…………………..In 2013 the LEATHER and KNIT combo blazer was offered in……………BLACK……………BURGUNDY……….and TARRAGONE…………It was a very popular jacket, but could only be reordered one time before the increase in price from the manufacturer made it cost prohibitive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I’m sure there are still some of you who have held onto this timeless and superbly made blazer.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. DiAnne

    I also have this jacket in tarragon and in black and love both.

  2. Kim S

    I completely agree Deirdre. I have this in black, timeless and forever, thank you Louis!

  3. Deirdre

    Yes, Louis, I own this lovely jacket and matching pleated skirt in Tarragon. I still have both and look forward to wearing them again as the weather has cooled. The jacket gets more use than the skirt these days. I also own a later iteration of this jacket concept in black.

    Would that I had bought more LDO when it was still available!

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