……………………………Another year has come…..another trip around the sun….and it’s Thanksgiving again…..HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!…….This year I may skip the TURKEY and all the SIDES…..and go right for theย  DESERT!………The APPLE PIE….the PECAN PIE…..the CHERRY and MIXED BERRY PIES….OH YEAH!…..the PUMPKIN PIE…….the BANANA CREAM and CHOCOLATE CREAM PIES…….and all the different CHEESE CAKES……OH YEAH…….plus my GINGER COOKIES….OH YEAH!…..Who needs Turkey????? Give me a huge glass of COLD COLD MILK, and a fork and sit me in front of all this deliciousness and I’d be a happy man…..OH YEAH…..and very THANKFUL!!!!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Diana

    I’m late to the Thanksgiving party, Louis! I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and wonderful holiday days ahead. My husband and I moved into a 55+ community and getting settled has kept us busy. Love to you and your family!
    Diana in California

  2. Irene

    Hi Louis,
    I’m with you.
    Thanksgiving is all about the dessert!!
    Enjoy, Irene

  3. Anonymous

    We all miss your very special talent, and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ

  4. Donna from California

    Happy Thanksgiving Louis. I too am a dessert lover. Every year I look forward to a piece of pecan pie with whipped cream and coffee the morning after Thanksgiving. This will be my first Thanksgiving without my husband of 56 years. But I will still have my pie! The retrospective makes me appreciate your talent even more. I own many of the pieces you show but I admit to having “why didn’t I buy that” remorse. So many beautiful things that are unattainable…sigh!

  5. Evelyn

    Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you have a great day celebrating with friends & family!!

  6. Elaine

    Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Louis.
    Heading to NJ and will spend a few days with family.
    My Dad always enjoyed coconut custard pie and I always bring one (along with too many other goodies) to remember him.
    Take care, Elaine

  7. Lois Patrick

    Love all the goodies! If I didn’t have to eat “real” food, it would just be dessert–good dessert. Moved from NJ to Tennessee. NJ had decent bakeries to Tennessee where I can hardly find any worthwhile desserts. I do search very hard and found a place for pie. Ordered 3 pies (just my husband and myself) and ended up in the hospital unexpectedly just before the holiday. My husband wanted to cancel the order and I said absolutely NO. So he found the bake shop and brought them home to freeze. Fortunately I was released from the hospital and doing well and am now unfreezing pie and enjoying the calories. That’s all I need for Thanksgiving. Louis enjoy your holiday and especially all those goodies. Miss you and your special talent.

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