……………………..On this day, January 24th, 1992……31 years ago……my nephew John lost his life…….He was 21 years young. John was the first born, and oldest son of my oldest brother Mauro and his wife Kathy. He was a wonderful boy and young man. He was the most BEAUTIFUL BABY I had ever seen then or now! He emulated his father in every way. They both had “A” type personalities. John even kept his closet the way my brother kept his by organizing and building things to keep his cloths and sports equipment as my brother did……At his young age he was already a volunteer fireman where he lived on Long Island, and was very accomplished in everything he did. He was an accomplished player of the electric guitar, and was into , to my brother and SIL’s chagrin, heavy metal…..Sometimes he and his cousin would surprise me and show up at my office at AK. The receptionist would call in, and say my nephew John and his cousin were here to see me! What a happy surprise! As soon as they entered my studio, and started looking around, I quickly realized I was NOT the one they came to see! They were hoping to see models! They asked if Cindy Crawford was going to be there. I had to tell them no….They were so disappointed that models were not just hanging around. You have to love these young boys!!!…….I will NEVER EVER forget the day he died in a tragic accident….That Jan 24th was incredibly cold and extremely windy. My brother had brought his son John into the family business which my grandfather and father started….so they worked together every day. On this particular day, my brother left work first, and John was to soon follow in his own truck. They said they would see each other at home…….As my nephew was driving home he had to cross the Throgs Neck Bridge. As he was reaching the pinnacle of the bridge the metal roof of the truck in front of him blew off and landed in the road. He and all the other cars had to stop. The traffic on the bridge was at a stand still. They couldn’t get past the roof because it landed on a road divider and was elevated. SO…John and two other men got out of their vehicles and decided to move this roof so it would be laying flat and they could drive over it. As the three men were trying to lift it…..a strong gust of wind lifted this piece of metal and cut my nephew John’s throat, killing him instantly…………….Someone, went to my nephew’s truck and found his cell phone, and somehow called my brother. My brother had just arrived home, and some stranger was telling him that John was in a terrible accident and he should come immediately…….When my brother arrived at the scene he was only told by the police what they knew of how the accident happened, and that John was taken to the hospital. When he arrived at the hospital he was given the shattering news…………………I was at work, and was having my car tuned up in the city. I went to pick it up when it was ready. On my way back to the office I had the radio on, and they were reporting about this terrible accident that closed the Throgs Neck Bridge. I had no idea they were talking about my nephew…….When I got back to the office a call came through for me from my cousin John. I thought this was strange, because he never called me. He asked if I was sitting down, and if not I should! OMG what is going on were my first thoughts…..He then said “I have bad news to tell you, John is dead.”…..and I said, “my brother John died!!!”, and he replied           “no, not your brother…your nephew John”. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!!!! I called Jac and told her…I was going to call the car service to drive us to my brothers house. There was no way I could drive. I went into see Frank Mori, the president of the company and told him what happened and I was leaving and wasn’t sure when I’d be back. Jac was working at another booking, and I picked her up and we went to my brother’s house on Long Island. By the time we arrived there were already many people there. My brother and SIL were in shock…..what can you possibly say????? I don’t remember much about what happened after that….I remember there was a wake and my nephew looked like he was sleeping……I remember going to the church and the cemetery. It was bitter cold…..I remember that there were many many people there and many firemen in their uniforms, but I don’t remember much else. It was a blur………The truck who’s roof blew off, drove away never knowing what had happened. The police eventually did find the company that owned the truck, but I don’t recall what happened to the driver or the company….if anything………Every time I drive over that bridge and I reach the pinnacle I talk to John. It has become a sort of sacred place for me….like a shrine or a cathedral……………….John was an incredibly BEAUTIFUL boy, both physically with his blond hair and blue eyes, and spiritually….He had the biggest heart!  …The photo of him in the lounge chair was the last photo ever taken of him…..There isn’t a day that has gone by in all of these years, that my brother, his family….or I don’t think about that wonderful young man, taken from all of us way too soon….I often wonder what John would have been like, would he have his own family…..I’m sure he would have………I have to think God must of had a special plan for John to take him just as he was beginning his life…..It’s been 31 years………..I wanted you to know my wonderful nephew.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Noramae

    May your beautiful newphew rest with the angels and Jac, God be with you dear Louis

  2. Donna from California

    What a shocking accident and profound loss for all who knew John. He sounds like a wonderful young man. Did you ever see the movie Sliding Doors? It is about how different your life would be if you made different choices
    (left home five minutes later or missed your flight). I’m sure the family went through all the what if’s. So sad!

  3. Patty

    I am so sorry, Louis. What a terrible loss for the family. God bless…

  4. Angela

    I’m so sorry Louis, God bless ❤️

  5. Merrylass

    Louis, I am so sorry for your loss.

  6. CGee

    What a tragic loss for your family and the whole community. He sounds so special.

  7. Frieda

    I am so sorry. What a light to the world your nephew was.

  8. Elaine

    Simply heartbreaking.

  9. Anonymous

    Dear Louis
    What a terrible loss.
    I’m so sorry.

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