…………………………The photos above are of the paintings by John Carroll Doyle that I own…..On one of our trips to Charleston Jac and I stopped by his gallery on Church Street. He was there and we bought his book which he signed. He was a tall, handsome, southern gentleman…We already owned a painting that we bought on a previous trip, and we were about to buy a second. Eventually we bought five of his paintings…..three of egrets in the bayou….a small lily pad painting and a large painting of magnolias laying on a table….that hangs above our bed. I am very sorry that he passed at such an early age, 71. Who knows what other beautiful works of art he would have created.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Angela

    Hi Louis,
    I really enjoyed your reading your last posts that feature photos of your lovely home and artwork collections.
    Having only seen your beautifully designed clothes and jewelry on QVC through the years, I assumed that your personal style was reflected in your Linea line – minimalistic, simple, clean-lined, timeless, elegant and modern. Looking at your home, I can see that your taste in furnishings is quite different – much more Victorian, antique-based, and ornate. Just wondering….. how do you account for the differences between the clothing and jewelry line versus your personal home? How would you describe your taste if you had to narrow it down to just four words?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear Angela…..I wouldn’t describe my home or furnishes as “Victorian”…..English yes, but not Victorian. I would say that the clothes I have designed over the 20 years for Linea has been very eclectic. I designed many different kinds of clothes some simple and modern, while others were more ornate and feminine. I think over the years the jewelry has touched all of those things too…..I would just say….”I like what I like”

  2. Irene

    So nice to hear the history of the paintings !
    I have admired the egret painting since I discovered your blog during the pandemic.
    Thank you Louis !

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