…………………..I feel sorry for children today……..When I was growing up in the 50s we didn’t even know what technology was…..it was so far beyond our reality…..like science fiction…..We spent our days outside playing with our friends, and inventing all sorts of games…….games that don’t exist today…..I think it’s terrible how children rely on technology for most of their entertainment…….BUT….the adults are just as bad…..The other night I went to dinner with two male friends of mine…..They sat at the table with their phones in their hands looking at God knows what! Stupid crap! I finally said “if you two don’t put those phones away I’m leaving. I feel like I’m sitting here alone…..If you have nothing to say…..I’m gone.”…….They put them done, but I could tell they were having separation anxiety! This world has become a very insular sad place. I’m sure there are exceptions, but for the most part when I walk through the streets of NYC most people are looking at their phones……like Zombies……Technology has taken over.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. barbara

    I think blaming technology is incorrect. We are the same age and when I think of the advancements in technology during my years on this earth, I am absolutely amazed and grateful for all these accomplishments. The problem as I see it, is lack of manners and utter disrespect for others. If I’m dining with you, at home or in a restaurant, whether or not I have anything interesting to say, your obsession with your phone is telling me I’m unimportant here. I remember when call waiting on telephones became available. Also a great invention. You no longer had to fear being on the line if a call you were waiting for came in. But I believed you could put the first caller on hold, answer the 2nd call and tell the caller you will return their call. But I had so many friends and family (my brother was the worst) who would be on the phone with me, answer a 2nd call and leave me on hold until I would just hang up. When he would eventually return the call, I refused to answer.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Barbara, I understand your point of view , and I guess i wasn’t blaming technology because technology has advanced mankind greatly……and yes people just have forgotten manners, but it’s also like saying guns don’t kill people….people kill people, but if there were fewer guns and automatic rifles maybe less people would be killed. There is always a ying and yang.

      1. barbara

        I’m sad to say that debate will never be settled in my lifetime, I’m certain. As long as there is greed, selfishness, and misguided patriotism these weapons will continue to be made available to murderers. If Newtown and Parkland didn’t wake people up, nothing ever will.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          Dear Barbara…..I have to agree with you sadly. There are too many people in this country who feel ANY gun restrictions go against their rights, and the NRA is too powerful with lots of political backing……I understand peoples position on the rights to own a gun, but than again I don’t. I would never consider buying one of those weapons of mass destruction that only the military and police should have. I have considered buying a revolver for self protection. I have never felt unsafe in my own home until recently. I can’t believe at my age I am feeling the need to protect myself from the element that seems to be growing beyond the safety of my home. I am glad I’m on the shady side of my life. I only feel sorry for the youth of this country who have to fear about making it through the day.

          1. barbara

            I’ll make one more comment here, because I could go on forever with my feelings on this issue. Your original post and this last one addressed the youth of today. Whenever this topic come up I think about when I was a child. I loved school, I was a pretty good student. I worried about grades and tests, of course. But when I was the age of the children at Newtown, my biggest concern was what was mom making for dinner and which neighborhood kids would be available to play. I never thought about standing on a toilet to hide my feet from a possible shooter. I never thought about hovering in a closet, how to stop myself from crying or yelling, or how to play dead so the shooter would think I was already gone. This is what the little ones are being taught today. I never considered home schooling for my children as I wanted them to experience the social factors of school along with education. Having friends away from home and family helps you to adapt to the outside world and find your own independence and strength. But now, I would most likely be the dictionary definition of “helicopter” parent.

  2. Kathy/Wis

    How rude, good for you for speaking up.

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