……………………Happy Birthday in Heaven my little Cinco De Mayo baby……It’s hard to believe this Dec. 12th my Jac will be gone six years. I know she’s not alone celebrating her birthday…She’s with her beloved Mother, my parents, my brother John and my nephew John, and so many many friends! There are more people in heaven with her than the few that are still here on Earth!….but…..I miss her more than ever….I have come to realize that…………………..”Grief never ends………but it changes…..It’s a passage, not a place to stay……..Grief is not a weakness, nor a lack of faith……..It is the price of LOVE”.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Thank you for sharing the lovely photo. Happy Birthday in Heaven, Jac.
    Louis, I share your thoughts about grief, the price of love. It hasn’t gotten easier for me – 2 years now, seems like yesterday.
    Stay well

  2. Kim S

    Thank you for sharing this Louis, so very true. She is beautiful and alive in our hearts.

  3. Anonymous

    Dear Louis – Your quote about Grief is so true. It will 12 years this September that my husband passed away. Our first date was when we were both 17! (I am close to your age). I read & enjoy your blog every day. Thank you for sharing your thoughts & love for your Jac. Happy Birthday! Teresa from Long Island.

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