……………When ever I see photos of my nephew and Godson Christopher, as a young child I remember why I used to, and sometimes still do…..call him….Christopher Robin…..It’s always a joy for me when he comes to visit his Uncle Louie…..It never fails……I am always surprised to see how this scrawny, gangly, skinny little sweet boy with the blue eyes grew up to be this 6’2″ BIG massive man. He can literally pick me up and carry me around! He is one of the sweetest, most kindhearted people I know….He is loyal to a fault, and always gives 100% no matter what he is doing. He’s just a wonderful, sensitive human being…….Chris arrived on Saturday afternoon, and we went to one of our favorite stores…..”Terrain” in Westport Ct…..We are both suckers for candles and soaps……anything that smells good…He likes anything with lemon……We went for an early dinner at Cafe Silvium in Stamford….considered to be one of the best Italian restaurants in Ct…….Then we went home, and sat by the firepit….It was a perfect night. The day broke records for its’ 80 degree plus temperatures, and the evening was extremely mild……There was a beautiful FULL MOON that kept darting in and out of the clouds….It was magical to look at…..My home has become a respite, an oasis where Chris can get away from everything and everyone, and just be at peace……I am grateful that I can offer this to him……Peace of mind is an important thing…..In the morning we met Lou at a local diner and had a wonderful time….the food was good too!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sallie

    Louis, you have a wonderful relationship with your nephew/godson, Chris. Thanks for sharing the photos.

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