Linea Ponte13

………………………..DARK TEAL…………….along with…………..BLACK…………is a returning color. If you missed it the last go around….here is your opportunity to finally get one. It always amazes me, as I know with you too, how with each new group of clothing I discover new ways to combine the older pieces and colors…………Putting the reorder DARK TEAL with the new…….CAVIAR….was such a discovery. I think those two colors are so darn CHIC…….and here is why. The CAVIAR is one of those hard to describe colors….is it blue?….is it gray?…..it’s neither……..It’s a new color in the UNIVERSE…….The DARK TEAL is another one of those colors that’s hard to describe….is it a BLUE? is it a GREEN?…..no it’s…its’ own special color. The fact that they are the same value…meaning they are equal in their darkness…or lightness……allow them blend together perfectly….one doesn’t OVERPOWER the other. The fact that they are both these off from center colors makes them work…..That’s why I also like the AUBERGINE with the CAVIAR….they are EQUAL in TONE………….I also love the COOLNESS of the SILVER metallic bead necklace with these colors……again…it is so darn CHIC…..timeless….forever………………………………….I have been told the necklaces will be in at the end of the month….They are checking and rechecking each piece to make sure there are no problems……….I do not have a sneak peak of the BLACK WK version of this sweater…..if you don’t own it yet……trust me……..it’s definitely a GO TO SWEATER….just ask JAC!

This is the last sneak peek for the Sept. show!…….Make your lists….check them twice!…………………………………………………….enjoy……………………….much Love…………………………Louis

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sheesh

    Oh, Louis, what a fabulous tip on the Dark Teal with the Caviar—I was wondering what I was going to wear with my Caviar suit. I missed out on the Aubergine V-neck–I ordered one but the knitting right smack dab at the V was defective and I had to send back and then they were gone so none to replace it. Tell me, please, will the Teal T-neck also work with the Caviar, or it it not the same value?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Absolutely……any style in the Caviar will work.

      1. Sheesh

        I think you mean Teal, thanks.

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