…………………Cameron is the two year old son of my friend Jonathan and his wife Nicole……They are my last official “Christmas Guests” of the season…..Something I’m sure you didn’t know about Jac….was….Jac collected HESS TRUCKS for years….Every Christmas when the new Hess truck came out she would go to the gas station and buy one before they sold out……I even got her some as Christmas presents too!………..These trucks have been sitting of the shelves in my office for years, and some were put in their boxes and stored away…..As you get older you start to think about all of these things you own, and what you’re going to do with them?……My nephews and nieces either have no children or grown children passed the age of playing with trucks……but my friend Jonathan has Cameron, and he loves trucks!…….Viola!…..I decided to give the Hess trucks, which are now collectors items, to Cameron!……I haven’t had a two year old in my house for a long long time……His big blue eyes were all over the place taking it all in, and then I gave him his first truck….It made me so happy to see him so happy….When he was finished opening his presents we all went into the kitchen to get the RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE……Raspberries are Cameron’s favorite, and he loved the cheesecake, plus the butter cookies with sprinkles, and he ate the plain raspberries I had in a bowl for him……He truly enjoyed everything, and gave me a big hug!……It was so nice to have Cameron visit me………Starting Monday I start to put away all of my Christmas decorations!…..Little by little it will all get done!…..until next Dec. when it starts all over again!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Donna from California

    What a darling little boy. I’m sure you made him very happy.

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