…………..A239319, the TUNIC SWEATER in PEACOCK is fabulous………the color is….. DEEP……RICH……and SATURATED……….This combination of nylon and acrylic takes color beautifully. The nylon has a shine to it while this particular acrylic yarn is matte……the contrast creates a wonderful textured effect. Above, I have the outfit office ready with just my black acrylic/wool pencil skirt…..black tights and a black SUEDE shoe boot would finish the “look” beautifully. Add a beautiful contour slung belt for yet another way to go. In the evening switch into a pair of black velvet slim pants and velvet ballet flats and you are ready to party. I guarantee….not only will you be the best dressed woman in the room….but the most COMFORTABLE! That is a winning combination. The sweater should be the focal point…..it IS the jewelry……………………………………………………………………………..
…………………………………………………..Happy Holidays………..much Love………………………………….Louis
Would this clash with the midnight blue ‘silk-like’ pant from a couple months ago (fall transition)?
Might look good but I’m not home to check…….sorry
Thought that might be the case. Thank you so much.
Dear Louis,
Would the blue of this sweater be compatible with the lapis boucle topper, or do they conflict? I can’t tell from the photo.
They are very different and would definitely clash!