Trouble in River City

Just wanted you to know I’m having trouble down loading my pictures from my camera into my computer. Actually, my computer won’t down load them at all. I’ve put a call in with my computer wizard, but being the week end I don’t expect to hear from him until next week………………………much Love…………..Louis

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Carol

    Technology. A blessing and a curse. So looking forward to some sneak peeks! I’ve had to rematch a few of your shows recently (on my DVR) to recall how I was going to wear some of my new favorites. Guess that will have to serve as my Linea fix until your IT guru can get you back up and running.


    1. Carol

      that was supposed to be re-watch. Auto correct is another blessing and a curse!

      1. Sherry

        I agree about auto correct…now if they could come up with a computer that could read our minds instead of our fingers…that would be amazing and perfect…I think. LOL

  2. Cela

    Purchase a new wire, just to make sure, before you shell out bucks to a high tech geeky-peeky?

  3. LauraL


    You might want to check your camera settings and make sure it is set to NTSC and not PAL. Also if your camera has a setting for USB, make sure it is not set to mass storage. Mine needs to be set to M/P to connect to the camera correctly.

    Hope this helps.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      It’s not the camera, because the same thing happened with Jac’s camera. I only use my camera for these photos so the settings are never changed.

      1. LauraL


        Then most likely the data line in the USB cable has broken.


  4. Lynn

    Thank you so much, Louis!

  5. Sherry

    Oh nooo!!! My suggestion would be to restart your computer. Sometimes when there are little glitches, all that is needed is to reboot the computer. Hopefully we’ll be seeing sneak peeks later today or tomorrow. Good luck.

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Thanks….that was the first thing I did…no good.

  6. Judy Ann

    Ugh!!! This is so so sad!!!!!! Louis, I suggest you remove card from camera and put it into card reader, and download from there – of course it’s possible you may not have one – as most people connect their cameras directly to computer!!!!! Card readers are very affordable – usually under $15.00, and have slots for different cards from mini SD to you name it. Of course your wire will need to be checked.

    So looking forward to photos of your upcoming fashions!!!!!

    Judy Ann

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