It is now confirmed by my QVC buyers and my Jewelry rep………the DRIFTWOOD is the DARKER color and the MOCHA MIST is the PALER……sorry for the confusion….I was given the wrong info…..now it is straighten out….I will correct my post………………………..Louis

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Cathy in PA

    Dear Louis,

    Q has finally posted photos of the colors of the pearls, so that should help … 🙂 Except for me, of course, as I’m still undecided. I have a nice strand of real pearls; looking for one of your pearl strands to wear with natural linen, and especially with your Lace Cardigan with Linen and ribbon checks trim, which I own in 3 colors (dare we hope for a skirt … and/or a Navy jacket?) … Which color Linea pearls would you advise to go with; Cream or Mocha Mist? My eyes and computer say Mocha Mist, BUT computer monitors as well as eyes are not always reliable … THANKS!

    Cathy in PA

    P.S. My Linea wardrobe was PERFECT for our recent trip to Florida and the Caribbean. Carried me through chasing our 6 year old grandson in Disney World (Pebble Crepe Tunic accessorized with Disney Lanyard covered with collectible Disney trading pins LOL) to the finest black tie worthy restaurant (Black Sequins, alternating with Black Peasant WK Sweater, alternately accessorized with real rubies and diamonds, and Black Faceted Beads). Just Perfect; thanks to you and Jac!

  2. Chris/Jazzmom

    I’m loving the new PK zippered jackets in the navy & gray. Tried them on this morning and they look fabulous either with some sweater (the reordered elbow length WK ivory one) below it or on its own zipped up! The navies and the grays do match back extremely well to the original OLO wide waistband PK pants in those colors as well as the new ones introduced with these jackets!

    I now have to review your two shows again for more styling ideas and ‘sneak peeks’! Wink wink!

  3. Belle Femme

    Thank you for confirming this, Louis. Now I better call and ask them to send me the mocha mist instead of the driftwood when they receive my return. Not that the other strand wasn’t lovely, but I have other beads nearly the same color, and I wanted the lighter color. Thanks again for looking into this!

  4. Carol

    Every month, QVC seems to find a new way to throw a monkey wrench into what should be their smoothest running shows! Notwithstanding mother nature, computer glitches, and shipping issues, there’s always the scarcity of pants, the no TALLS, the shark frenzy for fishes, and the no click here measurements to keep Linea Ladies on their toes. I’m so glad that Linea ladies are intrepid shoppers and help each other to keep things going.

    Your shows rocked the house, Louis, and I am over the moon about everything I ordered and that was just about everything you designed for January. And beyond!

    Shout out to Jac in the red wk sweaters and ivory pants. I’m copying that look!

    1. Sherry

      “I’m copying that look!”…ditto for me…fabulous way to look!!!

  5. Waterbaby

    Your ladies always follow your lead because we know you are right! I can’t wait for my boyfriend cardi, gray Kate shirt and other things to come. Great shows, all AND you look great with the beard. Younger and hip!!

    Thanks for giving a shout out to my friend Sheesh/Sheila. She was bowled over and so happy for the mention.

    Be well, best to Jac and the girls.

    Many blessings, Fran in GA.

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