January Spring 201413

The PERFECTLY PINK MOCK NECK SWEATER above, A87423, is one of the prettiest PASTEL colors I have done. I’m not a big user of pastel colors, thought there are many of them, done right, that are quite beautiful. What I love about the outfit in the photos is the fragility of it……that PERFECT PINK with ivory pants and layers of my…….CLEAR CRYSTAL FACETED GLASS BEAD NECKLACES, J284043….and the simple fragile SINGLE DROP CLEAR BEAD matching earring,J284042 will look beautiful on any woman of any age. I don’t care what coloring you are….with the right blush and soft lip coloring….this is FLATTERINGĀ  for EVERYONE! There really isn’t anything more youthful than the reflection of a beautiful PINK GARMENTĀ  on the skin……………………Besides the Perfectly Pink, Limoges Blue and WHITE….this sweater is also avail in the …..BLACK…..HOT PINK….&….very limited in the NAVY……………………enjoy…………………………much Love…………………………..LOUIS

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Becky (lazy lei)

    These are beautiful! The center pink photos have a slight peach tone. Which pictures are truer to the color – the center ones or the outer ones that are soft pink? Thank you, Louis!

  2. Goldie76

    The clear crystal faceted glass bead necklace is a piece that surprises you with its talent. I fully expected the grey faceted glass beads to look magnificent with my pewter faux wrap sweater, which I recently received. But my lands, do these clear beads ever knock it out of the beauty ballpark on the pewter! Of course they look stunning on almost any color you mate them with. Such a surprise. I know many of the Linea Ladies hankered after the black beads, but the crystal ones have a special magic all their own. I was truly pleased by the unexpected way they lend themselves to different colors.

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