FEBMAR8 FEBMAR9 denim dress1

Since so many of you know of, and have been asking about the……..DENIM DRESS…..A252355…..I thought, in the lull between shows, I would give you a proper SNEAK PEEK of it…….The three new DENIM pieces…the DRESS…..the VEST……the PANT….will all be….. OLO…… in MARCH…and all come in the INDIGO……WHITE…..SUNBURST YELLOW & AQUA…. …..Exactly when they will be avail.  in March I don’t know…………..Many of you are acquainted with the fabric from the DENIM JACKET…..If you went to a denim fabric supplier, and there are companies that only manufacture denim, you could possibly see hundreds of different qualities in different weaves, finishes, blends and weights….until your head SPINS!……. Some have remarked that this isn’t denim….well it may not be the traditional denim they are used to….the stiff heavy denim that old jean jackets are made out of, or the denim used for LEVIS, but this IS DENIM…….just one of the hundreds of different qualities…….This is a lighter weight…..79% cotton, 10% poly and 2 % span…..and it is machine washable………The dress is sleeveless, and it is UNLINED as the JEAN JACKET.  It has a long PLACKET FRONT to make it easy to get in and out of. It has SET IN BAND POCKETS!….. It also has a YOKE with FAUX pockets….the flaps are real, and really button, but there ARE NO POCKETS UNDER THEM. There are GOLD RIVETS on the yoke, front and back, and the dress is finished off with NINE GOLD SIGNATURE BUTTONS, and one EXTRA sewn to the inside side seam, which you should remove and put in a safe place………………I would say this is an easy fitting dress….It is not FITTED, but glides COOLLY over the body. It is slightly A-Line for walking, but not overly so. The dress is approx 36 1/2″ for the XS…….It is DOUBLE ROW TOP STITCHED all over, for that authentic JEAN LOOK………Above, I have chosen to show it with the MATCHING JEAN JACKET & VEST……..Some may think that’s a faux pas…..denim with denim is a no no? That’s a very OLD way to think. Ralph Lauren, Karl Lagerfeld and I would strongly disagree with you……I think it’s VERY CHIC and yes….very MODERN………….I also LOVE THE DENIM VEST  worn over the dress…..either MATCHING or CONTRAST……….One of the fabulous things about this dress is it can be worn very casual with flip flops , sandals or even KEDS, for running around…..or with a pair of GOLD PUMPS or heeled SANDALS…. you can wear it to a charity luncheon, theater or any other dressier occasion…….Pile on the GOLD LINEA JEWELRY. as shown above……I think there may be one or two necklaces in the gold left….get them while you can. I know there are less than a dozen GOLD WIRE CUFFS, and the CHUBBY HOOPS are yet to be posted…..The GOLD CHAIN HOOP and the GOLD CHAIN LINK BRACELETS are avail also….a teriffic look with the dress, jacket, vest , jean etc. etc…The GOLD PANTHER LINK WATCH….a very good quality watch, would be the perfect finishing touch to pull it all together………..This is a dress you will enjoy for many years to come…………………………………………………………………………much Love………………………..Louis

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. Kate

    You’ve not shown this belted but I’m guessing it would work? Suggestions for what sort of belt?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      I honestly haven tried to belt it……It may be a little to full to belt….but if it works….any kind of gold belt…..leather tailored [maybe lizard stamped], woven, chain or link belt, thick canvas strap with a gold military slide buckle [can be found in army/ navy stores]…..rope?…..check ebay….but either click metal belts or designer belts and see what comes up. They sometimes have the Hermes leather belt with the Gold “H” buckle….I think it must be a knock off.

  2. Cela

    Louis, I see what you were talking about. The jacket MAKES this dress. Buttoned up it looks a little like a cute pencil skirt.

    Love the white and denim and yellow, and you’re saying the AQUA is the one I will want after I get the other three? 😀 Now I GET IT! :-)))))).

  3. Seka

    Can’t wait for the Denim Collection to be posted!

    BTW – the 7 Row Wire Cuff is long gone in all 4 colours options and both sizes!

  4. Pamela

    Morning Louis!

    Would styling the White Denim dress with the sleeveless Fiesta mock necks ‘under’ dress with matching cardi ‘over’ create a nice layered look? (Can see mixing up the colors of both too!) Whatcha think?

    Your sig buttons really elevates the design – definitely can go business casual.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      ABSOLUTELY!! That would work for all the color dresses….You become your own stylist!

      1. Pamela

        So the White Denim dress is also unlined? No see thru?

          1. Pamela

            Better than commando – LOL!

            I need multiples/this dress design is SO great! – been years since buying a denim dress – hold on to my vintage ones with great affection. Thanks Sweet Louis! You keep me so very excited about fashion. Here’s wishing much more success with ALL your OLO’s – Keep ’em coming, PLEASE, please.

  5. Sheesh

    Holy Moly! I’ve got to sit down and figure out what colors for each piece—I’ll need a spread sheet!

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Shelia….I hope you realize the one you don’t pick is ultimately going to be the one you WANT!….LOL

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