Palm Jewelry18

What’s to say about black and white in this tunic except……… WOW………….This is the PERFECT SUMMER SHIRT……………Wear is casual with a tank and leggings, or wear it for dressier occasions over a dress or pencil skirt. How fabulous would these look over a white or black tank dress and the PALM FROND necklaces and earring!?……another WOW………………..Perfection over a bathing suit………………and easy care!! What else does one need? The necklaces  shown above are from my own collection…..but we are working on the black one for late next fall………….in CLEAR too……………..fingers crossed……………………….scroll down……………………………………………………………………..

………………………………………………………………………enjoy……………………………much Love………………………………………Louis

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Carol in FL

    Hi Louis,

    Love the clear necklace and earrings! Will these be available to order in the future??? Thanks.


    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      No…not yet….they couldn’t find the beads….the necklaces are from my personal collection.

      1. Carol in FL

        They are so beautiful. Hopefully the beads can be found.


      2. Carol in FL

        They are so beautiful. Hopefully the beads can be found.


  2. Sherry

    How would the A233187 tunic in work over the rayon/span tank and long skirt? I’m 5’5″ish and didn’t know about the proportion. I did get all 3 color ways in the rayon/span tank and top and if the tunic would work, which color would you suggest? I’m a total Grey freak so the Grey is a must have…

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      Dear sherry….I love that whole look. Do you already have the rayon span skirt and tank?

      1. Sherry

        Yes, I have all 3 colors…which color would be my best bet for all 3.

        1. Louis Dell'Olio

          I would have to say the black over the all black. The black over the black,tank and the twig skirt.

          1. Sherry

            Thank you…fingers crossed that black necklace makes it through it’s hoops at the Q!!!

        2. Sherry

          I do love that black necklace you have shown with the all black…if that’s a possible…maybe the black is a must for me.

          1. Sherry

            LOL, I was typing as you answered…

  3. Pecan Cookie

    Hi Louis, is the blue grouping in the center of the photo a result of camera flash or are these somewhere on the horizon (shirt, tank, maybe necklace)?

    1. Louis Dell'Olio

      No….it’s just the result of the flash. I almost deleted it but I liked the pic of the necklace….they look like big grapes, but hey are black jet….all of the close up pics came out like this?

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