Fall Jewelry

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  1. Melanie

    Dear Louis, I saw one of the models or perhaps it was Jac wearing a long beautiful black (it looked like jet) bead necklace in the style of the 1920’s and I fell in love with it – Will this be in the jewelry collection or is this part of your personal collection. Thank you.

    1. louisdellolio

      That is part of my personal collection. You should check Macys, Nordstrom, and E-Bay for “glass jet jewelry” sometimes they have similar things. Actually, this time of year many department stores had jet necklaces….check out what is nearest to you….regards, Louis

  2. Toni Fisher

    I just received two of your wonderful turtle neck sweaters – aubergine and magenta. I never thought I could wear a turtleneck that high, but it is beautiful and not suffocating – I love it, love it. Thank you Louis. And it is a TRUE 1X – not many designers can say that. Bless you.

    1. louisdellolio

      You are VERY welcome!………regards, Louis

  3. voodoo

    Hi Louis, thank you for all the beautiful things. i was lucky enough to get 13 items from the last 2 shows. cannot wait for oct. show. i know i saw Maria in those earings. i am with all the other ladys,,,,we have to have those earings. i will get the matching necklaces because they wont be happy untill they live with me. thanks for all you do for us.

  4. Mackenzie

    Oh my gosh, these riding jackets are so exquisite! I love this jacket in both colors! I feel so lucky that I had DVR’d Louis’ September show from 4 to 6 a.m., so when QVC goofed and accidentally posted a picture of this jacket before it was time to, I was able to replay the tape until I could decipher the item number. What a break! I live in a high rise, and when friends saw me picking up the QVC package in the lobby, they asked if I would show them what I had bought. Obliging, I opened up the package, and the beauty of the jackets almost caused pandemonium in the lobby! Too much! I really had to exercise constraint, too, as they held up my jackets, pawing them while “oohing” and “aahing” over the beautiful workmanship. I almost felt like I had to tell them to back off from my riding jackets! Next time, I’m going to be more discrete while retrieving my clothes from Louis!

    1. louisdellolio

      MacKenzie…..reading your message gave me a good laugh!!!!!Enjoy your riding jackets!

      1. Mackenzie

        As you say, I’m a Linea kind of gal!

  5. Chris/Jazzmom

    The new crushed velvet skirt that is coming– does it match the grape color of A92312, the grape crushed velvet long sleeve top? I have the matching skirt and am thinking for more formal occasions, the longer skirt would suffice with this top. Thanks in advance for your answer.
    Regards to you and Jac, Chris

    1. louisdellolio

      Hi Chris,
      I totally forgot about that top and I don’t have the sample anymore but I do have the skirt and compared the colors. They are a little different, but in the evening with evening lighting I think it will work. The tricky part is the sheer georgette color which I do not have….but I still think you can get away with it. You will still look better than most even if the colors aren’t exact…..LOL
      …………….regards, Louis

      1. Chris/Jazzmom

        The georgette is far enough away from the velvet to not be a big problem– its the ‘velvet on velvet’ I was thinking about; I do agree evening lighting is much different than daytime or indoor non restaurant lighting.

  6. tailsworth

    Louis, I have a question. The grey cardi that the grey pearls are on, is that available now…or sometime soon? Oh, me too on the jewelry. My name is on the cross and the matching necklace. I’ve already had the hubbs look at them and he liked them as well. All is good.
    Sherry in Dodge City, KS

    1. louisdellolio

      The sweater is a new “essential” and is coming. I will let all of you know when it is avail. for ordering. Glad to hear your hubby liked the jewelry….he has good taste.

  7. Victoria

    Fabulous News…there is possibly a light at the end of the fashion tunnel for Linea fans…wonder if the ladylike fashions that are showing up on the runways this season(which we Linea fans have always enjoyed) is making the difference?…good taste, excellent design…lives!
    Bravo Louis and Jac!

  8. diamondscribe

    November/December are perfect drop dates. I so know where my Christmas bonus is going!

  9. Susan (aka Carlytwila)

    ohhhhh Louis – I am so excited that these are coming! I want one of each, except for the necklace. I want two of those to drape around that cross! No earrings??

    1. louisdellolio

      There were beautiful earrings. The tops were the square station from the Byzantine necklace. So you could wear it as a type of button…..but it also had 3 interchangeable drops….one was a carved bead to match the top, another was a carved bead in a contrast color and the third was a pearl similar to my pearl drop that is still avail. However, they only bought the necklaces. To tell the truth I was happy with that…..but the earring is beautiful. Who knows maybe for Spring if the line continues They will buy it….they did like it.

      1. designista

        I SO want those earrings!!!!!!!

        1. Celia

          We’ve GOT to have the earrings, too!

      2. Chris/Jazzmom

        Oh that would be fantastic! Where thet pierced only or clip option? I wear pierced but know many who could use the clip on version.

  10. enjay

    Santa is soooo bringing me the grey pearls and the cross this year! (And he’s droppin’ them off early!)

  11. kate

    Wait until Blinddogs sees her green pearls!

    1. louisdellolio

      You know, I did them for her. She’s my little green girl.

      1. blinddogs

        Oh, you know me SO well.. Yes, I will be ordering two strands of those green pearls, the better to layer over my ever-green collection of Linea greens! LOL– Blinddogs

        1. louisdellolio

          There you are!!! You know I did this color just for you!

  12. Carol

    So gorgeous! I’ve been lusting after them since you started showing your models wearing them. They are such great companions to all the whisper knit sweaters–and more.

    Thank you for this perfect Holiday Gift!


  13. Rae

    Great news it is! How fabulous for us that the PTB are beginning to come to their senses! Can’t wait! Congrats to you, Louis. I feel this is a real coup!

  14. Nancy Silverman

    Thank you so for the pictures! I’m so excited to see these pieces in person and choose a few for myself. Oh JOY! Thank you so for getting this into the show! I’m delighted that I’ll have some to wear!

    1. louisdellolio

      Dear Nancy,
      To be perfectly clear. I will be showing the jewelry on my next shows as “sneak peeks” but, it won’t be avail to buy sometimes in late Nov. early Dec.

  15. Yvonne Shafer

    Louis, I’m sure that these beautiful pieces will be complete sell-outs! Indeed, you should be proud of what you bring to us – as we are as proud to wear them!

  16. LauraL

    Thanks for the pictures. All of them have my name and I am sure many others on them as well. Your jewelry has such style and class.

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