WK scarf4

Wearing RED and GREEN for Christmas can be very cliche, and if not done well……you can look like you are one of Santa’s helpers. That by all means doesn’t mean it can’t look great but, the green must be a deep green as is the HUNTER GREEN WK scarf above, or a deep spruce or pine green…..They will all work as long as they are DEEP……The red however, can be as bright…or not…..as you like…..from crimson, to ruby to brick red, or even Aubergine…….Of course when you have a HUNTER GREEN BOUCLE SWING JACKET, A257286, HUNTER GREEN WK PANTS, A257385/reg. A257386 petite, and to top it off….the HUNTER GREEN SCARF, A257914…..you simply can not look more pulled together with very little effort……all you need is a twig of HOLLY!……………………………Happy Holidays …….much Love………..Louis