lace cardi6

………………………A263357, the TWO WAY ZIP CARDIGAN with the LACE SLEEVES is now posted on the Linea site and ready for ordering. I have been hounding the buyers that as soon as the sweater was processed….could they please post it for all of you to order, and it was posted today in the three colors………..PERFECTLY PINK…..WHITE……….BLACK……..I wanted it to be available so you could have it in your hands for Mother’s Day….what a perfect thing to wear or give as a present……………………………….Enjoy………………much Love……………………………Louis

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Luvitorleaveit

    I ordered all three colors they should be here by the time I get back from Florida in May….can’t wait!

  2. Karen in WA

    I ordered pink and white

  3. Pecan Cookie

    Thank you, Louis! You are the best. xo Both me and Mom are going to love it!

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