‘The Braided Knit Fabric”

It has been brought to my attention that there are concerns about the fragility of the Braid Knit fabric. It seems some of you noticed “tears” on one side of the white tunic Brenda was wearing. This morning, right after my appearance on FEW, a stylist and I [not the stylist who ran my show], when to the area where all of the “show samples” are kept. Needless to say it’s the size of an airplane hanger. We looked at all of the tops in all of the colors in the Braided Fabric, and did not find any damages. However, the top Brenda was wearing may have been taken away. However, no one seemed to know about a damaged top. Before the show the stylist, Aubery and I, went through each outfit to make sure all of  the pieces, accessories and shoes were there. We did not notice any damages or we would have switched it out. I will look at the recording I made of the show and look at what you have seen.. I can say that no one noticed the damage or I would have been told about it. I was standing with Brenda and all of the other models waiting just before the show started….we were all talking…and no noticed anything wrong. I just went up to my studio and looked at my white sample. I tugged and pulled the top every which way, and nothing happened. I can say to all of you this is not a fragile fabric…..even though there are sheer sections they are made of polyester, which is an extremely strong yarn. We, my manufacturer, the the fitting teams, plus the factories have been working on this fabric for months, and  no one reported any weaknesses in the fabric. Certainly the factory who sewed the garments would not want to have been responsible for damages to due the fabric and would have reported it immediately. I will ask more questions about this and speak to the stylist when she has another shift, if she saw anything. In the mean time I feel very confident that you will be very pleased with the garments when you receive them……Please let me know what you think when you get your home…………..regards……………………Louis

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Chris/Jazzmom

    Despite seeing the tear on Brenda’s top, I ordered it and didn’t cancel my order after seeing the damage. I am aware, that fabrics do undergo rigorous inspections for tensile strength.

  2. Judi

    I will be interested in finding out what you see on your playback. I saw a slit on the left side, a slight bit lower than the bust line. Lower still, on the left I saw 2 spots which looked jagged, not holes, more like tears than a slit. At first I thought it might be the camera angle! The camera focused on it clearly, then moved to a long shot. It was on line for a short while. Someone must have deleted it, knowing the damage was visible.
    I asked my husband to look at it, he verified what I saw. I record all your shows, t look at it again (my eyes are not deceiving me!)
    I didn’t cancel it, I like the top very much. I’ll wear it, but I’ll be mindful of potential damage. I wish we could get this cleared up easily. I know you will do your best!
    Thanks for great shows and great items.

  3. Julie

    What was weird was that I watched the presentation live & didn’t notice the tears/rips at all! But then after I read about it & went back & looked at the recorded show they were very obvious! Isn’t it strange how you can totally not see something until it’s brought to your attention?! BTW, I am getting the white one!

    1. louis dell'olio

      We were all there and didn’t see it…The assistant stylist didn’t see it when she steamed the garments [but they do so much talking they aren’t paying that much attention especially with a top like that which really doesn’t have ant wrinkles]. When we were all gathered near the set and everyone was looking and talking to one another no one noticed any thing…..the whole think is strange.

  4. Jackie

    Louis, you should ask Q to let you view the video of the presentation. They took it off the internet but should have it archived. I saw it also.

  5. Melissa

    Thanks for addressing this issue Louis and keeping your Linea ladies in the loop.

    I had ordered the tops in all three colors when they first became available on Wednesday. I did notice the cuts/tears on Brenda’s top (while I sneakily watched the show on mute on my computer at work) and I probably could’ve cancelled my order, but I didn’t. Figured it was a fluke. I have one of your other mesh pieces and it has held up great, so I wasn’t too worried about it.

    The braided tops looked even more beautiful on air than I imagined, can’t wait to get them! I ordered quite a few things, am most anxious to get these tops, the azure Casablanca dress and the black/ivory striped dress. It was a wonderful show!

    1. louis dell'olio

      Dear Melissa….Please keep me in the “loop” and let me know how everything works out!

  6. Goldie76

    What I saw on my recording of the show was a long slit (approx. 3 inches long) down Brenda’s left side (for the viewer, on the right). Thank you for addressing this issue, Louis. Stubbornly, I kept my order going and look forward to a beautiful top.

  7. Sharon Santourian Holman

    Yes please let us know what you see. The video has not been on the Q site, we wanted to take a second look to make sure we weren’t seeing things. If I was the only one, it could have been my error but others saw it also. It was bizarre.

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