“The Sienna Medallion Print Tunic, another LOOK”

WK scarf5


……………………I never considered myself a print designer. By that I mean there are designers where prints are the focal points, and the majority of there collections….such as ETRO. I have always used and created prints as an exclamation to the core of the collection…..an accent…………….The Ombre Medallion print, A259107, is such a piece. There are so many aspects of this ENGINEERED print that I love. First the medallions that are grouped at the top of the tunic to bring the eye immediately to the face….where the ground color is the deepest……Then as the medallions “fall” and open up so does the color. As the color descends……it gets lighter and lighter never loosing its’ richness………….A very unique “one of a kind” print. I am a champion of rich Earth colors, vegetable colors, colors that come from nature. For me, there is no season for color, and done correctly any color can be used for any season. It is only the braces on our brains that create limitations………….Sienna is a color that is seen often in Africa. “Sienna is an earthy substance containing oxides of iron and manganese that is brownish yellow when raw, and orange red or reddish brown when burnt and used as a pigment”…The creamy beige in the medallions will work wonderfully with the new Lt. Khaki slim pant…It is one of the colors that I gravitated to in my box of 64 Crayola crayons….LOL……I thought this wonderful and unique print was worth another LOOK……………………..


Linea Complete Collection (Apparel, Jewelry, etc.)

Website: http://qvc.co/LineaCollection

Linea New Arrivals (Apparel, Jewelry, etc.)

Website: http://qvc.co/NewLinea


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Barbara in Virginia

    Hi, Louis! Is there an item number for this lovely? As I remember, you posted earlier that is would be available in August as a transition into Fall. Is that correct? Thanks so much!

    1. louis dell'olio

      If you are referring to the above medallion print the item number is A259107, and it is avail now….there will be other prints coming in July and Aug.

      1. Barbara in Virginia

        Thanks, Louis! I hadn’t realized that this one had been presented.

      2. Yvette

        Louis, do you mean that this exact top will be coming in in other prints, or just other similar tops in this (fabulous) fabric? I just ordered one in olive, but sad that blue is sold out in my size.

        1. louis dell'olio

          similar tops in this fabric in new prints.

          1. Yvette

            Thanks, Louis. Now I just need another closet!

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