…………………………….TEXTURE TEXTURE and more TEXTURE…..mixing all of the elements creates a very unique, and of the moment look……..The SUPER PONTE MERLOT JACKET with the FAUX LEATHER, worn with your BLACK WK S/S SWEATER, A267882, a wardrobe must have! and with the NUBBY KNIT SKIRT, A268135….is the look of a discerning woman…….the look of a woman who KNOWS how to put it together. Add your SILVER or GUNMETAL FALLING LEAVES NECKLACE, and the look is uniquely yours…….ADD your PINSTRIPE TIGHTS and you are dressed from head to toe………….Get all of your BLACK, IVORY and MERLOT sweaters……..the WK ENR reorder SWING is coming in MERLOT…..now start to mix and match……………………………enjoy………………….much Love……………………………….Louis
Facebook: http://qvc.co/LineabyLouisEZpayFD
Web: http://qvc.co/LineabyLouisEZpayF
Love this dressed down with denim !!
All the what-seem-to-be disparate parts come together, as they always do, you Dream Weaver, you.