color block4

……………………Color blocking is a term that you hear often…….What is color blocking all about?……Is it just cutting a garment up in pieces and placing random colors any which way?…..For a color block garment to be successful it has to enhance and flatter the body……….The eye should be focused on the positive aspects of the female form…….cutting and creating shapes that bring out the best of you………When you look at the COLOR BLOCK TOP above, A267881……where is your eye drawn to? I would guess, for the great majority of you, it is the center stripe. Your eye is immediately drawn “IN”….not outward. Anything that draws your eye to the center, and in this case with a vertical stripe, is slenderizing………The stripe borders on the sleeve balance the weight of the center stripe going down the front, and the sleeve border “grounds” the garment….These are all design details that you see, acknowledge, and then forget about, but when you put the garment on you know for some reason it’s becoming to you…….the shape is an easy swing with an asymmetrical hem….not too exaggerated…..just enough to continue the eye in the vertical movement….The top is approx. 27 inches to the center front for the XS………The colors and the placement of the colors is very important!. I chose the darker color as the center stripe for two important  reasons…..The first being….if you wanted to achieve a column of color by continuing the color from collar to the hem of the pants….it’s better to do it with a dark color bottom, and you are more likely to own a darker neutral bottom than an accent color. If you choose a light contrast bottom, as the ivory crepe above, you still have the eye focused to the center of the garment………The second reason is….the dark stripe is the perfect background for your new SINGLE BAR NECKLACE [sold out], or the SILVER TRIPLE BAR necklace [avail in silver and chocolate only] shown above. They are both the perfect pieces to accentuate the “LINEA” effect you want…..The LARIAT is also another perfect necklace with this new color block tunic……That is not to say that other necklaces will not work as well…for instance the FALLING LEAVES and the DINGLE DANGLE necklaces will give you different, but equally beautiful looks…..The COLOR of this tunic is………COBALT with NAVY………………..Navy leggings, slim pants, and pencil skirts will give you great options for changing up the look depending on whether you want to go casual or more dressed…….Grey and Ivory trousers plus jeans are other options to choose from……………..The fabric is my RAYON/SPAN jersey that I have often used before. The quality of jersey is weightier than most used on QVC. It has a beautiful drape and feel….you know at once it feels expensive……………………………………………………………………enjoy………………………………..much Love………………………………………Louis

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. designista

    RAYON/SPAN! Be still my heart! I guess this is where the QVC buyers didn’t purchase the rayon/span pants…stupidity!

  2. Melissa

    Ugh. You’re killing me. I was hoping for more sweaters so I wouldn’t be tempted too much this visit. But each of the 3 new items you’ve previewed will work very well for me in Florida. Just have to decide which colors. I need the tunic shirt in blue to go with the zig zag skirt. The assymetrical top I have to get in black and will decide on one of the other colors. Probably light raspberry as I don’t have any of your raspberry pieces.

    This color bIock top in purple will be mine, I love my purples, but the cobalt/navy is calling to me too. I think each would be good with jeans. Can’t wait for your show!

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