EVERY SEASON….someone asks me to PLEASE do a “LITTLE BLACK DRESS”….well….last, but certainly not least is the A236137, PONTE DRESS in…..BLACK. This is your all occasion dress………..appropriate for any and all events that may come up……….you will always have this dress on hand. ………ACCESSORIZE it a zillion ways to create a myriad of looks…..for the more adventurous……….fancy or color tights can create something new and fanciful……The way I have chosen to present it to you……..is for me…….. the ultimate in CHIC………..My new MULTI STRAND, MULTI METAL NECKLACE…..and my GOLD SWIRL EARRING……with my SIGNATURE BLACK BERET….is pure Linea……pure LDO……..I have total confidence that you will all give it your own SIGNATURE LOOK & STYLE…………………………………enjoy………….much Love………………………Louis………………………one more message……………………….
There is one last NEW item in the show, but I’ve decided to keep it a secret……no SNEAK PEEK!……but a hint…..it will be a new WHISPER KNIT SWEATER which is not part of the OLO group………..I think you will like it!