What is BRICK RED???? I think it would be easier to tell you what it isn’t…..It is not Ruby. or the Spring Red….it is not Aubergine or Sangria….It is not as BRIGHT as my photos would have you believe….sorry about that! It is a deep warm cherry red with a touch of brown to make it BRICK…..if that description helps you in any way….God bless you!….LOL….The buttons are Black with a touch of Brick in the center….JEANS….BLACK PANTS and the matching BRICK SKIRT…with BOOTS…..will all make wonderful outfits to suit any lifestyle…..The WHISPER KNIT SCARF, A257914, is NEW THIS SEASON. It is approx. the size of the POSH KNIT scarf so it is a GREAT VERSATILE SIZE. We will be selling it later in the season with a GIFT BOX for Holiday giving. The box is designed with the same signature logo as the wrapper for the tights. It will come with a box, tissue and a silver elastic cord….so it is already for you to give away….or gift YOURSELF!………..The BOLD GOLD HOOPS, J288005 have been reordered….This Fall a MUST HAVE NECKLACE will be the GRADUATED BALL NECKLACE in four wonderful metal color…Linea Gold and the new Linea Silver, Linea Gunmetal and Linea Chocolate……I know you will want to have every one……………..they are ESSENTIALS!……………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………………………………………..enjoy……………….much Love…………………………………………..Louis