THE CLEAR GLASS FACETED BEAD GROUP is the last group of summer….and the EARRING, J291538….and the stretch BRACELET, J291536 have arrived just in time to take advantage of the FIVE EASY PAYS!!!!………Unfortunately, as I type this, the NECKLACE, J291535, hasn’t been posted yet on the Linea site, but if you type in the style # in the search box it will come up. ………..These are exception pieces to add to your expanding Linea jewelry wardrobes……The necklace, which is the focal piece, has two sizes of SPARKLING ROUND GLASS FACETED BEADS spaced out on a beautiful sparkling silver chain…..The EARRING is a single drop bead hanging from the same silver chain with a tiny silver stud holding the post for pierced ears only. The earring bead is the larger of the two…….The bracelet is a series of the larger beads on a stretch cord. These are GLASS so there is some weight to them….but I do love them stacked!………….What I particularly love about this necklace is……it looks wonderfully DELICATE when worn as a single strand….with just the earring or a silver stud or hoop [photo at upper left]…..Doubled [photo at upper right] adds twice as much sparkle and drama……….What is truly fabulous about this delicate necklace is how well it mixes with all of the other CLEAR LINEA NECKLACES…….The CLEAR CLASSIC NECKLACE, J287999, adds texture and a special sense style to the wearer……………..Add the 72 inch CLEAR FACETED BEAD NECKLACE….that many of you were fortunate to own before it sold out……….and the combination is ALL OUT GLAMOR…It’s a WATERFALL OF ICE!!…………SUMMER….FALL…..WINTER….and SPRING………these are pieces that will work with everything……………….scroll down………………………………………..enjoy…………….much Love………………………………………….Louis