…………………..This past Saturday Cathy came to my house for a FACEBOOK LIVE SHOW…………The morning started ominously with pouring rain, and thunder….but by the time Cathy arrived at 11:45, from her 3 hour drive from PA, the sun had come out and we had clear blue skies. Unfortunately, the rain didn’t bring cooler air with it!….I had already set up a place in my kitchen, for a change of scenery, where the show would take place. It’s definitely a “country kitchen” with a farm table, and gingham check seat cushions on the country farm chairs…..My garden is bursting with Hydrangeas and Zinnias, so I filled a large glass vase with the Hydrangeas for the table, and filled smaller yellow vases and Dutch bulb vases with the Zinnias and yellow flowers [whos name I can’t remember]. They sit on top of a French country cabinet fill with receipt books, and binders filled with Jac and her mom’s collection of receipts, and now mine!….There are also some antique kitchen gadgets in there that belonged to Jac’s mom and Jac’s grandmother!….We had about two hours to kill after we set up all the trays of jewelry for the show….so we went to lunch!….We went to a place called “THE FIDDLER’S GREEN”, but more about that later…..After that, back home we went, and it was SHOW TIME!…..If you missed the show you can still watch the entire show video on my FACEBOOK page…….Cathy’s husband Jim, MADE me a pound cake for my birthday with butter cream frosting…….Of course we had to try it out so I cut generous slices for us to eat after the show, and  sliced and wrapped the rest to be frozen so I can have them later…..It was DELICIOUS!!!….Thank you Jim!….Along with the cake we needed a drink! So we made two LILLETS with soda on the rocks, and a strawberry garnish, [top photo, second in from the left]….YUM!…..For my birthday, Cathy got me a PIZZELLES maker from Cuisinart! She always makes them for me for Christmas, and I love them….now I have my own!…..Of course we had to try it out, and Cathy showed me step by step how to make the batter [we added MACE which I LOVE], and how to cook the Pizzelles in the cooker…..We put them on a rack to cool, and then sprinkled them with powdered sugar….They came out perfectly! Now I can add PIZZELLES to my repertoire……DELICIOUS!!!……The day was not over, we still had dinner ahead of us, and we planned to try a new restaurant that we hadn’t been to…….I hope you all enjoyed the show, and treated yourselves to a new bauble!…..BTW, the two photos of Cathy second in from the right, were taken Sunday morning at the famous Elm Street diner. We went there for breakfast before Cathy left for her journey back to PA.

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