……………………..A word of CAUTION!!! Don’t be stupid like ME!!, and sit in the sun without SUNSCREEN!…..I KNOW BETTER, but it was so breezy and comfortable, and lovely sitting by the water, and the sun felt SOOOO GOOD. There was no humidity, and the sky was wonderfully blue with hardly a cloud….I was lulled into thinking I would be fine!…As I said STUPID me!!! and I have a linen closet full of different sun screens!…When I went inside to take a quick shower, and I saw this LOBSTER looking at me in the mirror….I thought HOLEY CR-P!…..I’m in for it now!!!….I’m much redder than I look in the picture…..and it hurts! I’m bathing in a moisturizer balm that’s supposed to relieve the “BURN, but I’m sure to peal!…..Don’t do as I did, and make sure the LITTLE ONES are covered in sunscreen lotion and clothing that will cover their delicate skin too!!!! It drives me crazy when I see a parent with a stroller, wearing sunglasses, and their child is sitting totally exposed to the harmful sun without any eye or probably skin protection…..Do they think their little one is immune to the sun!….or are they just NOT THINKING AT ALL!!!!…….Be CAREFUL of the sun….even when you are driving your car!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. CGee

    Ouch! George’s brand Aloe Vera liquid will help heal your sunburn quickly (not the other brands of aloe vera gels that have moss and things in them).

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