………………….My nephew CHRISTOPHER………..Yes, this is the same Christopher I took with me to Africa….three years ago this month!!…….I used to call him…..”CHRISTOPHER ROBIN”…….When I called him that he used to give me this quizzical look…like don’t you know my name Uncle Lou….not understanding my reference….He told me, years and years later, he finally looked up who Christopher Robin was…….Chris was always adorable, and even at that young age…3 or 4 in the picture, he had a raspy voice with a very independent personality that I loved…..Jac just adored him!, and used to take him for ice cream cones……Now he’s 51 and 6’3″, and is still adorable! He has the same personality…and raspy VOICE he did back then….He has a GOOD HEART!……He’s my oldest brother Mauro’s second son, and my Godson…….I love this picture of him….It captures him so well……We are very close, and I’m so grateful for that!

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