………………….I watched most of the Convention coverage last night, but I was getting tired, and decided to go to bed……Then KAMALA HARRIS came on……..and I was hooked!……..If you watched her, and LISTENED to her speech……how could you as an AMERICAN….not agree with what she said???? She was CLEAR….she was STRONG….she has INTEGRITY….she was PRESIDENTIAL!!!!! Yes, I know there are many who would not agree with me…..and as a fellow American that is your right…..We still live in a FREE COUNTRY!……..There will always be people who talk negatively about the choices we make if they don’t line up with theirs…..For me…..there is NO CHOICE…..I believe her….I BELIEVE IN HER, and I believe she will be a GREAT PRESIDENT! I simply can not support Trump. It’s not because he is a Republican…..Party has nothing to do with it…… He has shown time and time again……by his actions and words he is not someone I want to be President….not again…..not ever!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Julia

    Thank you,Louis. It is sad that uninformed voters have never heard of Project 2025. Please read if you do not know what Project 2025 is about. Our Democracy is at stake. I too agree with you 100%.

  2. Sallie

    Thank you for stating what is obvious to many of us, Louis. Our country doesn’t need a felon as president with no morals or ethics. She is 180 deg turn from that. I agree wholeheartedly with everything that has been so well said here.


    I agree with you 100%. She is brightness instead of darkness, hope not despair, the future not the past. Everything I’ve read and heard about Project 2025 if frightening. It will do away with our Democracy and result in a dictatorship. Let’s pray that Kamala not only wins, but she wins by a landslide. Thanks for your endorsement since you have many followers. Maybe you have changed some minds.

  4. Ellen

    She is magnificent!

  5. Donna from California

    I agree with what Evelyn said and with your statements.
    Harris = hope not hate.

  6. Evelyn

    Thank you for putting it out there. For having the dignity & courage to post this on FB. Our beloved country is at a crossroads. We either stand up for our democracy or we will become a dictatorship.I hope that the joy & momentum Kamala created can be sustained through the election.Louis, you’re a good man.

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