………………It’s always a good time when Cathy comes to my home, and we present a Facebook Live show!……….I had the table set with all of the trays of Linea jewelry that we would present. They were all numbered for the show line up. The kitchen was ready, and the flowers from my garden were all in vases……Cathy arrived with Jim, her husband, and the work began. Jim went on to visit his daughter who also lives in Connecticut…….Then it was 1:00 and we presented the show……I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did doing it……..We always have a good time, and we love to read out the ladies names who have joined us. It’s always fun to tell some stories during the show!……..When the show was over….we decided to make ourselves some Lillet martinis!……It was a beautiful evening and we took our drinks out to the rocking chairs, looked at the beautiful view of the Long Island Sound, and listen to Sade sing……Then we waited for Jim, their daughter Maddie and he boyfriend, Jared to arrive for dinner at a local restaurant al fresco!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Angela

    Martini 🍸 😍

  2. Angela


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