……………..Anne Klein always said……”A GOOD DESIGNER CAN DESIGN ANYTHING”……..Those are words I have lived by………..For me creating a table setting is like creating a collection of clothing……..You start PIECE BY PIECE…..STEP BY STEP….It’s about the COLORS….the TEXTURES and FABRICS….the ACCENTS……I always start with the PLATES…..In this case each plate is a different color, and each place setting are different combination of colors…..Then I decide on the color of the table cloth…the type , texture and color of the place mats and then theĀ  chargers…in this case gold charges on straw……Then I chose the table ware….I chose knives, forks and spoons that are all different colors, and each place setting is different…..Next the napkins and napkin rings. The napkins I chose are 100% cotton oblong multi color stripes that pick up the colors of the plates……Next I chose the glass wear…..The wine glasses, water glasses and additional glasses are all in different multi color CONFETTI patterns……The water jug and the wine jug were added in the confetti patterns…..Salt and pepper shakers are chosen that compliment with the rest of the things….For this table I used multi color striped shakers….Next I chose the flower holders, a variety of bud vases and larger vases….some are patterned colorful vases in different sizes…..always coordinating with the setting….Lighting becomes a very important part of creating the mood for dinners at dusk and after…A variety of candles that coordinate with the established colors are chosen. I also like special novelty table lights……Two of my favorites are glass cylinders that with a touch change from white light to a warm yellow light. When I had my black and white table I used the white light, but for this multi color table I used the warm yellow light……Some of my newest lights I call my “wishing lights”. They remind me of the dandelion flowers that looked like balls of fine feathers. After you make a wish you blew on them all of the “feathers” flew. Of course they were seeds that would only spread more dandelion weeds!….This did not make my Dad happy!….Lastly, I choose the flowers. This is actually one of the hardest parts because you are up to the mercy of what’s available….Right now I have flowers still growing in my garden and the stores still have a descent selection…..Somehow I always make it work…I often will add some trinket or a conversation piece that just looks good……accents…….PIECE BY PIECE…..STEP BY STEP.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Angela

    This is truly magnificent!!!!

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