…………………..Every once in a while I will listen to a singer on YouTube that……..STOPS ME IN MY TRACKS!!!………..LUKE KENNEDY……..IS SUCH A SINGER!……….He has a MAGNIFICENT voice…….He was on “The Voice Australia 2013″…..where have I been?………He chose Ricky Martin as his coach, and I must admit, at first I thought WHAT???? Why Ricky Martin?…..but….he proved to be the perfect coach. He pushed him out of his comfort zone [opera], which he had a strong background in, and he traveled the word with the “TENORS”…..Ricky had him do some wonderful pop songs to broaden his repertoire and catalogue of music, and he sang brilliantly……..He was a finalist with a young singer named Harrison Craig, who I featured in one of my posts, because I thought he was fabulous………Luke stopped singing for a while after his marriage broke up, and suffered depression where he just couldn’t do anything, but then he started singing again…..Unfortunately, he came in second the Harrison Craig….IMHO, Luke should have won!….He was in my opinion a stronger singer with a more beautiful voice, but everyone hears things differently……I won’t go any further but to say…..if you want a treat for your ears……..listen to LUKE KENNEDY……….I even bought his CD on Amazon!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Angela

    You are so sweet and kind to say this and always on top of upcoming talent!!

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