…………………I LOVE FIGS!……….I remember as a child when we went to visit my father’s father….my grand father, in Brooklyn…..he had an enormous fig tree in his large backyard…….He used to take us to the tree, and pick the ripe ones and give them to us to eat. I loved them!….This was my favorite way to eat them…..fresh, warm right off the tree!…….I have a fig tree up on the side of my garage which is a distance from my house. Honestly, I forgot all about the tree, because I never go there….but….today I took a walk, and was amazed at how BIG the tree grew…..I don’t do anything to take care of it! I don’t cover it when it gets cold, or do anything you’re supposed to do to protect it during the winter……Lo and behold there it was twice the size I remembered. I told Teresa, who takes care of my home, about the tree, and she said….”come with me I want to show you something”….so off we went up the drive to visit the tree. Teresa brought with her a small glass with olive oil in it and a Q-tip…..She said what I’m showing you is what we used to do in ITALY to help them grow and ripen…..She took the Q-tip and dipped it in the olive oil…..She then dabbed the bottom of each fig with a little oil……….There was ONE FIG that was ripe, soft and ready to be picked, which I did. I brought it to the kitchen, gave it a rinse, cut it in half to make sure it was good and bug free……………and ate it!!! It was delicious!!!………Now I have to be very patient, and let them grow and ripen…..and hope the birds don’t start nipping at them!!!!…….I wonder if the olive oil will work????!!!!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Angela Izzo

    That’s a big fig tree Louis!!
    I have one as well and just picked a bunch and made fig biscuits for my neighbors 🤤

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