…………….In the circle, at the end of my driveway where the flag pole is…..I used to have rose bushes…..They were there for years and years, but never did well. In the spring when they started to grow, and the rose buds would form, the deer came and ate them!!!!…..I had enough!! It really looked bad, so I decided to remove them, and put eight Hydrangea plants which the deer and rabbits leave alone……..I had a cinder block path put in so it was easy to put the flag up and take down…….There was a rogue pumpkin plant growing there??? I have no idea how it got there. I can only assume an animal somehow dropped the seed there…..Teresa wanted the ONE pumpkin that was growing, and as soon as it turned orange we cut it, and I had the rest of the huge vine taken out………..Now it looks exactly how I planned………..I LOVE Hydrangeas, and they do very well on my property……..I guess they like the sea air….and the view……I always talk to my plants and trees…..”Good Morning to all”, I say….It’s a good thing there is no one around to hear me!

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