………………..I have always been fascinated by BEES…………They are one of the hardest working creatures that God has created……….They are constantly flying from bloom to bloom…never stopping….always taking their sweet nectar…..I find myself standing in the garden, for who knows how long, just watching them do their thing….It’s funny how our habits change as we get older…..I was absolutely NEVER a morning person! I used to love to sleep late……Now I’m up before the sun, but I still go to bed LATE!….Every morning I go into my garden and greet the day….and there they are……The bees are already at work….Before I close the house up for the night, I take my last stroll in the garden and the bees are still there!….I definitely have noticed a diminished number of bees over the years, and have heard the reports about how their numbers are dwindling……it’s sad……..I realize that some people are truly frightened of bees, and some are allergic from their sting…..When I was 6 or 7 I felt something tickling my throat under my chin, and I scratched it not knowing it was a bee. It stung me and it hurt really badly. I was with my mother at the time at one of her friend’s house, and they put something on it……For the longest time I was afraid of bees, but when I grew older I realized that if you don’t bother them….they won’t bother you!…..Unlike YELLOW JACKETS that are unrelenting, and will harass you constantly, and dive bomb at you!…The more you schuss them away the more they come after you!…….I do not like them at all!!…In the photo on the left there are three bees busily working….Can you see them?…The bees are in my garden from dawn till dusk and probably after that…..I wonder where they go?…..Some hive somewhere, dutifully taking care of the QUEEN BEE.

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