……………….As I sit here at my computer……the ceremony of that tragic day…..September 11th is on my TV………I have watched this sad sad ceremony every year……I feel it’s my duty as an American to spend this time with the families of the fallin’,,,,,I remember that day so clearly all these years later…..I remember thinking that this was the most beautiful, perfect September morning…..cool, clear without a cloud in the sky…..I was in the kitchen squeezing fresh orange juice for Jac, her mom and myself……Jac was upstairs in he mom’s bedroom getting her ready for the day………I turned the TV on listening to the news and weather report of the day……..Then IT HAPPENED………a plane hit one of the towers…….At first they had no idea what kind of plane it was….Was it a private plane that lost control?….Soon it was realized that no….this was a commercial jet liner!!!!….How could this happen??? I ran upstairs and told them to put the TV on in Jac’s mom’s room…..We sat on the bed riveted to the TV as the story unfolded….and then the unthinkable happened…..another jet hit the south tower…It was soon clear where these planes originated from, and that this was an act of TERROR…..The first act of this kind on American soil…..we watched and watched all day, and for the following days ahead…….The images were horrifying….too horrifying to even speak of here………I knew someone on the plane from Boston, which I found out days later….Oh my God how could this happen!!!??? Jac and I went outside to the waters edge….and we could see smoke billowing into the sky….it made it all too real………..Today is a day to put all politics aside….to remember all of those souls in all of the planes, and the people in the towers, and in the pentagon who lost their lives……I will never ever forget them.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Donna from California

    There are only a few times in my life that I can remember being gobsmacked! The first was when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated and the second was 9/11. I was a young woman when the Kennedy assassination took place and I feel that I lost my innocence that day. I had no idea that there was such evil in the world. Evil took on an entirely new meaning for me on 9/11. I was much older and knew so much more about the world, but I was still astonished that individuals could harbor such hatred for others.

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