………………….There is a plague of insects that are killers…..and I don’t mean MISQUITOES!………….They are called….”SPOTTED LANTURN BUGS”……..Yesterday it was a glorious day, and I wanted to go outside and sit on my rocking chairs, and just enjoy the view of the water. It was about 2:00pm….As I opened the glass sliding door I noticed these bugs on the screen….When I went outside there were literally HUNDREDS of them on the chairs, on all of the window screens and congregating on all of the gutters!….ICK!!!!….I had read on line that mixing DAWN DISH DETERGENT with a little water would kill them…..so I went inside mixed the dish soap and some water in a spray bottle. I put the nozzle on JET, and started to spray them. The aim has to be very accurate because they are FAST, and JUMP and fly away, but I must have killed eighty of them, and that’s not an exaggeration!. They are ugly things!…Their wings are the color of tree bark with tiny black spots….but when they open their wings they are a bright RED!!! They even have RED BEADY EYES!…..They may not harm humans that we know of, but they can kill TREES, BUSHES and PLANTS…They are truly disgusting creatures…..I found them in my bushes [photo at upper right, on on my trees [photos in the middle at the bottom], and they were coming out of my grass!….The two photos at the upper left and along the left side are DEAD BUGS after I sprayed the hell out of them….They do die quickly if you can get the liquid on them and soak them, but as I said they are quick! The more I killed the more came……there are thousands of them! Today I had Franco spray the bushes where I saw them. We will have to see if that works, but there are so many more. Due to the damage they can do I’m surprise the Environmental Protection Agency doesn’t do more to destroy them…..If you don’t see them in your area….they will eventually get there!…………The truly are a PLAGUE!!!!

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