…………………What are your FOUR FAVORITE MAGAZINES??………I get many magazines…..too many……..but my four favorites are……..bon appetite……Architectural Digest……..Victoria……and People……..”People”, because we all like a little gossip, and to read about celebrities…….”Architectural Digest”, for me is the most interesting of all the magazines of its’ type because it’s so international….I like seeing peoples homes and public building from around the world and the US…The articles and interviews plus the pages of where some of the furnishings come from are all interesting to me…..They are photographed beautifully……..”bon appetite” was one of Jac’s favorites, and it has become mine too….She started subscribing to it many many years ago, and I continue…..The articles and receipts are all interesting to me….It has superb creative photography……..”Victoria”, was another magazine that was Jac’s favorites…….It is beautifully done and very informative…..I love their travel loge….Every issue has something new to offer….It’s a magazine with in depth articles and superb photography……..You may have noticed that there isn’t ONE FASHION magazine….You may think that’s strange for a fashion designer…….I used to get many of them, but I have found them boring and not RELETAVE anymore…..I find there isn’t any CREATIVITY anymore. I’m sure part of that is budget cuts, but the challenge….there isn’t one ounce of creativity…..I don’t like the clothes chosen…..I didn’t like the models, and I thought the pages were very mediocre….so I cancelled all of them, and I don’t miss them……As I said I do get other magazines…..mostly about the home, travel and food………..What are your FOUR FAVORITES?

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