…………………….If there were one moment, or one year in your life that you would want to relive……….WHAT WOULD IT BE????………….After thinking about this question I posed to myself….I really had to think hard…..If it was a moment…..it would be the day I married Jac…….but if I had to pick a year……it would be 1978……….That was the year I became THIRTY…..the year this photo was taken……Don’t get me wrong….my twenties were fabulous…..I started working at Anne Klein….a wonderful journey….I lived the kind of life a New York city boy in his twenties would live…..Lots of friends and going out almost every night……But it was also a time of GROWING PAINS…….Not really knowing who I was….jumping around from here to there……one relationship after the other….a some what chaotic life!…….In 1978, when I became THIRTY….it all changed…..By then I was established in my career…..I was lucky to  have great success…..I was feeling more of myself, and who I wanted to be……I had a clear direction……..That was also the year of a momentous decision……Jac and I started to date seriously….there was no more running….Jac always said to me…..”I taught you how to LOVE”……and she did……Did my life take a 360 degree turn…..no…..My 30th birthday was at STUDIO 54, and it was a blast, but it was somehow different from all the other nights, and early mornings I spent there!…I no longer felt the NEED to go out every night, and probably do some things I shouldn’t have done….but no regrets……I was at ease with myself….I was comfortable in my own skin……which had a great deal to do with Jac……..My 30th year was an awakening for me in so many ways……Of course if I could snap my fingers and relieve a part of my life again…..it would be the years Jac and I were together……but my “awakening” of who I was as a man was clear to me…….If I could relive one year it would be that year……….1978.

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