……………………It’s that time of year…..COOKIE BAKING TIME!…….Though it’s good any time of year to make a batch of cookies!!……..From left to right…..My PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES….is the easiest receipt ever!…ONE EGG…..ONE CUP OF SUGAR [I use a half cup of white sugar and half a cup of brown sugar], and one cup of PEANUT BUTTER….You can use creamy or chunky…..I prefer the CHUNKY!…..The peanut butter shouldn’t be too oily! I like SMART BALANCE, but all of a sudden the stores aren’t carrying…the chunky!!!???….so I bought the creamy, and some Planters no salt peanuts….put them in my food processor…two or three hits and I had wonderful chunky peanuts which I added to the other three ingredients [one cup]…When making the cookie you scoop out about a table spoon….roll in a ball in your palms, and place on parchment paper on a cookie sheet….You don’t want the cookie to be too big!….Depending on your oven [middle rack],  cook for 9 to 12 minutes, or until you see the top of the cookie turning slightly golden. You want to make sure you don’t burn the bottoms!!!! Then take out of the oven and let them cool. Once cool put them on a platter and ENJOY!….I always put a dark chocolate kiss on top [optional], but if you do MAKE SURE THE COOKIE IS ALMOST COOL….or the kiss will melt into a chocolate puddle!…..Those are the ones I usually eat!…LOL….I doubled the receipt to make more cookies…..In the center are the GINGER COOKIES, which are more complicated……For the complete receipt search…..”Jac’s Ginger Cookies”….here on my website….they are the best Ginger cookies I have ever had, and all those who have had my cookies [Jac’s cookies], agree. They are chewy!…….The cookies at the right are….PIZZELLES…….Cathy always brings me Pizzelles for Christmas, and I LOVE them…..Last Christmas she gave me a Cuisinart Pizzelle press, which is sort of like a waffle maker. Different receipts come with the pamphlet. I use the basic receipt, but I add two teaspoons of MACE, because I love the flavor of mace. Cathy had some on her recent visit, and said….”these came out better than mine!”…..a huge compliment!!…….I have more cookies, and some cheesecake making lined up for different guests coming through the month so I better get my chef’s hat on!!!

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