…………………..That’s my oldest brother Mauro at the far left, and me at the far right, with my brothers friends in between….I was a senior in high school, so that would make me 17….I really don’t remember this day or making this snowman, but that’s what pictures are for! I don’t remember everyone’s name either except for the two who were my brother’s closest friends….Tommy is standing next to my brother, and Joey is third in from the right, next to the snowman….They were both kind of crazy….so I will guess they were the main creators of the crazy looking snowman!….All of these guys are 7 years older than me, but I look the same age as them! I do remember they gave a “wild and crazy bunch” a new definition! They all drag raced and had soup-ed up cars. I remember my brother getting into big trouble when he took my mother’s  BRAND NEW Fairlane 500 turquoise and white car, and totally rebuilt the engine for racing!!! He trimmed out the whole car in turquoise and white accessories….door knobs, fancy floor mats etc etc….it really looked SHARP!!! My mom complained to my dad that every time she stepped on the gas the car would “take off”….She was afraid to drive it, because she couldn’t control the speed! Of course my father said….”Edith, it’s a brand new car….you just have to get used to it.”…..but she continued to complain until my father finally brought it back to the dealer to have it checked out. He got a call from the dealer with unexpected news, and was told he had better come in. My father was totally confused and in the dark as to what he was going to be told! When he got there he was told the engine in the car WAS NOT THE ORIGINAL ENGINE THE CAR CAME WITH, and that someone had soup-ed it up for racing…..My father knew immediately who the culprit was, and told my brother to return the car to its’ original condition at his expense PRONTO!!!….My mom was redeemed, but of course felt badly for my brother for the money he lost redoing the car engine,  and now having to spend even more to get it back to it’s original condition! This was the car my mom taught me how to drive on! I loved tooling around in this fancy car!!….This was just one of my brother’s stories! He and his friends were always into something until they each got girlfriends, and then it all changed….Their lives changed from having wild adventures to lives of “domestic bliss”……No more great stories! It all became rather BORING!!!!!













This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sallie

    Quite the dapper snowman with his tie and flower pot hat, Louis. Brings to mind a story of my husband who grew up in Arkansas….where snow is a novelty. It snowed and he and his high school buddies decided to build a “snow lady”….not in his yard, but the mayor’s yard next door. Not a beautifully dressed one like yours, but naked! They even fought who would get to do the “good parts”. There are no photos of them with their “snow lady” since my husband’s mother made them tear it down immediately when she saw it!

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