…………….I remember when I was a child….It seemed EVERY winter we used to get a huge blizzard, and snow falls in between…..That’s my Dad with his new snow blower clearing my Aunt Mary’s driveway. who lived next door….in the 60s….That’s her in the background…He loved his snow blower…like a kid with a new toy, and the best thing was we hardly had to shovel anymore!!!!…I also remember trudging to school wearing many layers….sweaters, hats, scarves, gloves, and snow boots….The weather and the seasons used to be much more predictable……Those days are long gone. I can’t remember the last time we had 12 inches and more of snow?! let alone a BLIZZARD……Of course now they are getting snow in places they never had snow, or rarely got snow before….Charleston…..Louisiana…..and FLORIDA!!!………..and people STILL SAY there’s no such thing as GLOBAL WARMING!…….Global warming creates unusual weather patterns….more severe hurricanes, more droughts, stronger and longer El Nino due to warmer oceans, and even more unusual rain falls and snow falls where it is unheard of to have these conditions…where some get no rain and the temperatures soar, other get a deluge of rain and freezing cold……..plus the fact that it has been proven the Earth’s temperatures are getting hotter and hotter every year! Here in Ct., where I live, the winters have gotten milder and milder, and my perennials are coming up earlier and earlier…. but in southern Cal. they hadn’t had rain in over 200 days!…..They are saying this is the coldest winter we have had in years where I live…..It will probably be the hottest summer too!…..It’s just getting worse and worse, and our government is doing NOTHING to turn this problem around!….Actually, they are doing the opposite!…..It’s ironic that countries like Saudi Arabia, who produce enormous amounts of oil….are doing the most to curb global warming with all kinds of new systems they are developing to harness the power of the sun…Of course it is the desert, and they have unlimited amounts of money!!!…With new deregulations our country is making it worse!!….ALL FOR THE MIGHTY DOLLAR!!!.. God help us all! I feel badly for the younger generation and the newborns who are going to have to deal with the future consequences of our lack of action!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sallie

    Louis, the image of your father snowblowing brought back memories of my own father doing the same chore. We lived on the shores of Lake Erie with a large park to the west. Needless to say, with lake effect snow and strong winds we would have 5 ft+ drifts on our drive. My father would keep at it so it wouldn’t get ahead of him and his blower. : ) The best gift we ever gave him was a fine pair of ski goggles to keep his glasses from fogging up and also protecting his eyes. I so agree with your statements about global warming…….wish some “powers that be” would “wake up”.

  2. Natalie

    What a fun picture. So true, things are changing. I hope new generations take note for needed change.

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