……………….There is a group of 5 deer that frequently appear on my property……sometimes all together sometimes one, or two, three or four…Today there were three of them foraging for food of which there is little…..I do feel badly, but I know come spring when they start to eat my new plantings and my shrubs I will not be so happy….I have tried many different products to keep them from eating my plants, but the few that do work, only work for a short time……I have discovered that in the spring the females like to give birth on the side of my garage which is far from the house and secluded from the road…..so I expect the deer population to grow this spring! I do try to keep them out of my back yard with barriers that Franco has put up, but they can jump very high, and they can still get over my gates that I can’t do anything about……Maybe if I left out food like apples they would leave my plants alone, but unfortunately you can’t bargain with a wild animal, and I’m afraid it would only encourage more to visit!