………………..On February 3, 2000…..Jac and I were married……Today is our TWENTY FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY…………It was all a whirl wind…..We were having dinner with our dear friends Jean Pierre Dupre, and Andrea Pfister in NYC. They were here in NY for a stop over on their way to Las Vegas for an International Shoe Show. Andrea was a brilliant shoe designer and Jean Pierre was his business partner as well as his life partner. Andrea worked with me on the Anne Klein Couture Shoe collection for many many years……I used to go to his villa twice a year to work with him….It was located on the Amalfi Coast…..During my summer visit Jac would often come and stay…..It was a dream…….The villa is now a luxury rental, and you can see it if you google….”VILLA LILY, PRAIANO, ITALY”…..it is a spectacular villa, and it is the next village over from the famous Positano…..At this dinner Andrea said….out of nowhere…..”why don’t you two come to Vegas with us and get married?!!!”…….Getting married was something Jac and I wanted to do for a long time, but couldn’t decide when and where and how….and with our incredibly busy schedules we kept putting it off……We looked at each other and immediately said YES. This was the perfect solution….We would elope and marry in Vegas!…..Air tickets were bought and reservations at the Bellagio Hotel, where the boys were staying, were made…..When we arrived I went to the concierge and asked him how does one get married in Vegas…..He actually gave me a print out!!! of what needed to be done and a list of Chapels…..The next day we went to City Hall for our license which took ten minutes….then I called the LITTLE WHITE CHAPEL to see if they had an opening…they did!…..They were getting ready for the VALENTINE’S DAY rush…….Jac had wanted to get married by an ELVIS impersonator, but I said NO…..I told her I would never feel like we were really married by someone pretending to be Elvis….Getting married in Vegas was a stretch enough!…..The ceremony at the famous “Little White Chapel” was actually very beautiful with Jean Pierre and Andrea as our witnesses….The list of famous people who got married at this Chapel is endless!…..Afterward we had dinner in the “Needle Restaurant”……which is a well know revolving restaurant with a roller coaster on the roof!….A real touristy place, but the best view in Vegas!…..Jac, Andrea and Jean Pierre are all gone now, but I know they are together in heaven reminiscing about this happy day we shared together…..It’s hard to believe today Jac and I would have been married TWENTY FIVE YEARS……………..HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MY SWEETHEART……I will love you for all ETERNITY!
Happy silver anniversary. Sounds like you two were “meant to be”. I admire the way you go on leading an active life without Jac at your side.
That’s how Jac would have wanted it…..we were never idle people….always busy always doing
Happy Anniversary Louis. What wonderful memories.