………………..HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my BIG BROTHER MAURO…..I have looked up to my older brother my entire life……..He and I are very much alike and very different…When I was very little I remember him drawing ELEPHANTS for me…..I marveled at them….and thought they were GREAT!….Maybe that’s where my love of elephants stems from?!….Growing up, due to the age gap of 7 years, we didn’t have much in common and led very separate lives….different friends…different interests……It was only when I became an adult that the age gap seemed to disappear…He’s great at mechanical things….math and computers. He knows how to fix almost everything, and if he doesn’t know he learns how! I’m constantly calling him for HELP!….He often says to me, “Lou, I already told you how to do that….why don’t you write it down!??”….and my reply always is…”but that’s what I have you for!”……I wish we lived closer so we could see each other more often….He could join Lou and me for breakfast on Sunday mornings!…..I love my brother with all of my heart!!……..I know he would do anything for me………..H was the cutest baby!!!….The funny thing is….he looks pretty much the same today!……LOL…….Happy 84th BIG BROTHER!