…………………….HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!!!………..I have been told many many times how rare it is to meet the “LOVE OF YOUR LIFE…..YOUR SOUL MATE”……Jac and I met when she was starting out in the modeling world….only seventeen!!!!! I thought she was beautiful……just my type…..BLOND, BLUE EYES, TALL and SLENDER…..They say “opposites attract”….and we were certainly the opposite of each other….color wise……However, there was one major problem!…….She was SEVENTEEN, and I wasn’t about to “rob the cradle”…….,When we met there was an instant attraction, but in my eyes she was a child….not in hers……She told me many times….when she saw me it was “love at first sight”…..After many years….4 to be exact, when she became “legal” at 21 we started to date. We had already been friends and went out to dinner and movies etc etc., but usually in a group……We always considered this our “official photo” when we let all of our friends know we were a couple…………I know for a fact there is such a thing as “the LOVE of you life…..and your SOUL mate”, and I was one of the LUCKY ONES……….I found mine……I hope you have…..or will find yours!…………Happy Valentines Day my sweetheart….I love you over the moon and beyond the stars…..for all eternity.

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