…………………Looking out of my bedroom window this morning….what did I see?….My adopted family of four deer enjoying the early morning sun on my lawn facing the water…..Sometimes there are six of them, and I’m sure this spring I will see the addition of some little ones!!!….Even though they are very cute…..I shudder to think what they are going to do with all the new growth on my shrubs and bushes……I will have to have Franco start to spray “DEER OFF” which smells like peppermint. It doesn’t hurt them, but they do not like it. Unfortunately, it has to be resprayed after every rain!…….I will also have to spray for the disgusting “LANTERN BUGS” which will surely make an appearance once the temps warm up!…..The deer I LOVE, but the Lantern bugs I truly HATE!…………….C’est la Vie!

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